• 65 high risk conflicts mediated involving gang violence and the potential of a shooting on the west and south side of Chicago (Austin, Englewood, Chatham, Roseland, West Humboldt Park, East Garfield, and West Garfield Communities
• 25 fights interrupted by Violence Interrupters on the west and south side of Chicago
• Worked with over 80 high risk youth
• 800 hours spent working with the high-risk youth
• Referred 35 of the 80 high risk youth to employment training
• Referred 40 of the 80 high risk youth to educational services
• Referred 5 of the high-risk youth to mental health services
• Facilitated six peace summits
Violence Interrupters also work in Springfield, OH, Champaign-Urbana, IL, and Maywood, IL.
Additionally, we have experienced 60 days without any shootings in the West Haven Community on the near westside of Chicago.